Rules and Regulations

In consideration of the execution or renewal of the Lease the following provisions are incorporated into and made a part of the COMMUNITY HOUSING ADVOCACY & DEVELOPMENT’s Standard Form Residential Lease. In the event that any provision of this Addendum/Rider conflicts with the printed form of the Standard Form Residential Lease, then the provisions of this Addendum/Rider shall prevail.

1. UTILITIES & APPLIANCES - All appropriate utility services which are the responsibility of Tenant pursuant to the terms of the Lease shall be placed in the Tenant’s name on day Tenant takes possession of the Premises. Light bulbs are furnished with the Premises at time of Possession; however, Tenant is responsible for replacing bulbs as needed. Tenant shall not install or operate within the Premises any machinery, refrigeration or heating devices, including but not limited to any clothes washers and dryers and dishwashers, other than a microwave oven and those appliances which may be supplied by the Landlord without prior written consent from the Landlord.

3. GUESTS - Permanent occupancy of the Premises is restricted to those occupants listed on the Lease. Guest may occupy the apartment for no more than 3 consecutive days and no more than 14 total days within a twelve-month period of the Lease without Landlord’s prior written approval. Tenants are entirely responsible for the conduct of their guests in the Premises and in all common areas.

4. COMMON AREAS: There is no congregating in any common areas such as stairways, hallways, and parking areas.  Leaseholders are responsible for the actions and conduct of anyone they allow in the unit and onto the property.  

5. ADULT OCCUPANTS – All occupants who turn eighteen (18) years of age after the initial move-in will need to have a criminal background screening completed prior to Lease renewal. Leaseholders will be charged a minimal fee for this screening which is based on the third party company used for screening. Landlord will notify the Tenant prior to lease renewal of the fee amount.

6. LOCKS, KEYS and FEES - All necessary keys will be furnished by the Landlord. The Tenant shall not permit any duplicate keys to be made. All keys must be returned to Landlord upon move-out. If more than two keys for any door lock shall be desired, or required as a result of loss or failure to return all keys to Landlord upon Tenant’s move-out, additional keys shall be furnished at Landlord’s discretion and at a cost to Tenant of Five ($5) Dollars per key. Any additional keys requested after move in will be charged a $10 fee per key copy. No additional locks or chains shall be placed upon any doors of the leased Premises. If additional locks or chains are placed on doors of Premises without express written consent of Landlord, Landlord shall have the right to remove the same and charge the cost of said removal to Tenant. Landlord will further attempt to assist with any lockouts, but shall have no obligation to provide Tenant with ssistance in entering the Premises at any given time. A fee of fifty ($50.00) Dollars shall be charged to Tenant for any assistance provided to Tenant in regard to assisted entry to the Premises as a result of any lockouts. In addition, upon Tenant’s request and payment of a lock change fee of Seventy-five ($75.00) Dollars, Landlord may agree to change the locks of any leased Premises. All fees described above shall constitute additional Rent immediately due and payable to Landlord.

7. SMOKE AND CARBON MONOXIDE DETECTORS - Working smoke and carbon monoxide detectors are provided in each unit. Tenant may not disconnect or disable the smoke or carbon monoxide detector(s) at any time. At the time of move-in a new battery (if applicable) will be placed in each detector in the Premises. Tenant iss responsible for replacing the battery as necessary and at least every six months. If any smoke or carbon monoxide detector(s) are found disconnected or inoperable, Landlord may fix or replace said smoke or carbon monoxide detector(s) and charge Tenant for Landlord’s expense (including fees for labor and materials) associated with same. Said charges shall constitute additional Rent immediately due and payable to Landlord upon delivery of bill for same to Tenant. Tenant agrees to maintain and repair the detectors provided in the Premises as needed including maintaining the energy source. Tenant shall notify Landlord immediately of any problem with detectors.

8. FIRE EXTINGUISHERS - All Fire Extinguishers provided on the Property shall be kept intact and, if used, Tenant must notify Landlord so that Extinguisher may be recharged or replaced.

9. FLOOR COVERINGS - All units are equipped with floor coverings. Existing carpeting, and/or tile cannot be removed or altered in any manner. Tenants will be responsible for any damage beyond normal wear and tear.

10. WINDOW COVERINGS - Appropriate window coverings must be placed at all windows. Appropriate window coverings include drapes, curtains, horizontal or vertical blinds. Newspaper, bed sheets, flags, etc., are not considered appropriate window coverings.

11. DOORS,WINDOWS AND WALLS - Pasting, gluing, or nailing anything to the door(s), exterior of the Premises or Property, or mailboxes is strictly prohibited. Any damage to the surface of the said door(s), exterior of the Premises or Property, or mailboxes will be the responsibility of the Tenant. No sign, signal, illumination, advertisement, notice, or any other lettering or equipment shall be exhibited, inscribed, painted, affixed, or exposed on or at any window or on any part of the outside or inside of the Premises or Property.

12. GROUNDS AND PUBLIC AREAS - Grounds and public areas are for the use of Tenants and their occupants and guests only. Abuse, alterations, littering, or damage of grounds or public areas is prohibited. Tenants will be responsible for any damages caused by themselves and/or their occupants, guests, invitees or licensees. Observance of all posted signs is mandatory. Passageways, public halls, stairways, elevators and landings shall not be obstructed or be used for any other purpose than for entry and exit from the buildings or apartments. No one is permitted to congregate or play in or around the common interior areas of the building. Bicycles, sleds, and the like shall not be stored in the lobbies, public halls, passageways, courts, or surrounding common areas of the buildings. All personal possessions must be kept in the Premises or in other storage areas provided by Landlord. Waste receptacles supplies, footwear, umbrellas, or other articles shall not be placed in the hallways at the staircase landings, nor shall anything be hung or shaken from the windows or placed upon the outside window sills.  

13. DISRUPTION OF THE QUIET ENJOYMENT OF OTHERS - No soliciting or loitering will be permitted. No smoking shall be allowed in any interior common areas. Consumption of alcohol in public areas is prohibited. Profane, obscene, loud or boisterous language, gestures, unseemly behavior OR harassment of other Tenants, or Tenant’s occupants, guests, invitees or licensees or CHAD’s employees, agents or vendors or others at the Property is prohibited. Conduct that threatens or endangers the rights, comfort, health, safety or convenience of others in and around the Property is also prohibited. Landlord may bar any guests or others who, in Landlord’s sole discretion, have been violating the law or the terms of the Lease. If Tenant allows a barred person on the Property, it is cause for termination of Tenant’s tenancy.

14. USE OF PREMISES - Tenant shall only cook in the kitchen and shall not barbeque on porches or balconies. Washrooms, Kitchens, Laundry Rooms and other common facilities provided for the benefit of Tenants shall not be used for any purpose other than that for which they are designed, and Tenant shall not run water from any source in the Premises or Property for an unreasonable length of time. In addition, no rubbish rags, or injurious items shall be placed in plumbing facilities or receptacles, nor shall Tenant undertake any action or interference, including the failure to inform Landlord of the need to repair or replace any fixtures associated with the Premises or Property, which will in any way harm the use, safety or effectiveness of said fixtures, including but not limited to any interference in any manner with the heating or lighting or other fixtures in the building or running extension cords or electrical appliances in violation of the Building Code.

15. BALCONIES AND PATIOS - Balconies and patios are intended for outdoor enjoyment and for beautification of the Property. Potted plants and flower boxes are encouraged. Balconies and patios must be kept neat and free from excessive clutter. Balconies and patios are not to be used for storage of household items, tires or wheels, excess furniture, garbage, etc. In addition, no gas or charcoal grills may be kept or used on the balconies or patios.

16. REFUSE - The use of the garbage receptacles shall be in accordance with local ordinance. Garbage and refuse MUST be wrapped in tight parcels or plastic bags and
must be placed INSIDE the dumpsters. In accordance with health and safety regulations, children are not to play in or about designated garbage areas.

17. LAUNDRY - All laundry must be done in the appropriately designated area. Unless provided by the Landlord, washing machines and dryers are not permitted in the unit. Laundry facilities provided with the Premises are for the use of Tenants only and must be used in strict accordance with all posted directions. Laundry Room hours are 6:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. and the last load should be started no later than 8:30 p.m. Laundry Room doors must remain closed at all times.

19. WATER-FILLED FURNISHINGS - Waterbeds, water-filled furniture and any size pools are strictly prohibited in the Premises and Property. Fish tanks and aquariums are also strictly prohibited unless Landlord has approved, in writing, for Tenant to have fish in the Premises after Tenant properly applied for fish to be in the Premises, and Tenant complies with Landlord’s pet policies and rules and regulations.

20. PERSONAL PROPERTY INSURANCE - Landlord does not insure your personal belongings. Tenants are strongly urged to provide their own Renter’s insurance.

21. DISTURBANCES AND NOISE - Tenants are responsible for the conduct of their occupants, guests, invitees and licensees in the Premises and on the Property. Noise from musical or sound-producing instruments or devices (including but not limited to televisions, radios, stereos, and car alarms) is to be kept at minimum levels so as not to disturb neighbors.

22. MAINTENANCE/REPAIRS/SERVICE REQUESTS - Non-emergency repairs can be requested by phone at the Landlord’s Rental Office during normal business hours, Monday through Fridays from 8:00 - 4:30. A 24-hour answering service is available for after office hours emergency service. Emergency service shall be defined as: no water, no heat, an odor of gas, fire, a plumbing leak or sewer stoppage which might damage personal belongings, the Premises or the Property or anything that could be hazardous to residents or the Property. No charge is made for repairs or maintenance unless such repairs or maintenance are the result of negligence or mistreatment by a Tenant or Tenant’s occupant or guest.

23. CARS - Cars parked on the Property must be operable and properly owned, licensed and registered by Tenants. Some properties may require parking stickers. Tenant must obtain from Landlord car restrictions or specific parking rules at Tenant’s building, all of which must be observed by Tenant. In the absence of any specific restrictions or rules in regard to Tenant’s building, Tenant(s) may be allowed to park one (1) car per licensed driver in the buildings designated parking areas subject to availability. Tenant understands that the parking facilities will be on a first-come, first-served basis and that Tenant’s building may not have reserved parking spaces. Tenant may not work-on, wash, repair, or maintain cars on the Property. Parking of any  commercial and/or recreational vehicles including, but not limited to trailers, campers, boats, boat trailers, etc., is prohibited. Tenant must contact Landlord if guests are visiting overnight. No parking in fire lanes or “no parking” zones. No parking in designated “handicapped-only” parking spaces without proper identification for said parking use. Failure to comply with the applicable local, state and federal laws as well as Landlord’s parking rules and regulations may result in Landlord towing the car at the vehicle owner’s expense and is cause for termination of tenancy.

24. GRASS CUTTING AND SNOW/ICE REMOVAL - Unless otherwise provided by the terms of Lease, the responsibility for grass cutting and snow and/or ice removal ("Snow Removal") shall be as follows:

A. Single-family homes. Tenants are responsible for the Maintenance of the lawn
and snow removal.

B. Townhouses. For those townhouses that are part of a large complex, lawn maintenance and snow removal is provided. When it is not provided, the Tenant is responsible for same.

C. Two Flats, Duplexes and buildings with four or more units. CHAD will provide for lawn maintenance and snow removal in parking lots.

25. AMENITIES - Tenant agrees that use of the amenities by Tenant and/or Tenant’s occupants, guests, invitees or licensees are at users’ own risk. Tenant and Tenant’s occupants, guests, invitees or licensees agree to release Landlord from any and all liability and damages associated with use of the amenities. No more than 2 guests may accompany Tenant or Tenant’s occupants who are at least 18 or over. Children under the age of 16 must be supervised and accompanied by an adult. Tenant and/or Tenant’s occupants, guests, invitees or licensees shall strictly follow all of Landlord’s rules and regulations governing use of the amenities. Access to and use of the amenities is a privilege and not a contractual right. Landlord reserves the right to revoke said privilege if in Landlord’s sole discretion, Landlord determines Tenant or Tenant’s occupants, guests, invitees or licensees fails to comply with the terms of the Lease or any of Landlord’s rules and regulations. Further, Tenant may also be deemed in default if Landlord determines Tenant or Tenant’s occupants, guests, invitees or licensees fail to comply with Landlord’s rules and regulations regarding use of amenities.

Community Housing Advocacy and Development 531 East Roosevelt Road, Suite 200 Wheaton, IL 60187 (Map + directions) Phone: (630) 456-4452 Fax: (630) 580-9244

Office hours
Monday–Friday, 8:00am–4:30pm

From the community

“I haven't been the best tenant, but CHAD always figures out a way that is beneficial for both us to resolve the problem -- even when times are hard for me. I just want to say, "Thank you!"”



$18.58 is the hourly wage needed to afford a two bedroom apartment in the Chicago area CHAD helps families stay together.