Privacy policy

For each visitor to our Web page, our Web server automatically recognizes only the consumer's domain name, but not the e-mail address (where possible). We collect the e-mail addresses of those who communicate with us via e-mail, information volunteered by the consumer, such as site registrations, home detail views, name and address, telephone number, and fax number. The information we collect is used to customize the content and/or layout of our site for each individual visitor and tracked in our database securely. This data is available only to the administrators of this website and is protected with the proper security measures. We do not use cookies of any kind to store this data, for your protection.

If you do not want to receive e-mail from us in the future, please let us know by sending us e-mail at the above e-mail address or writing to us at the above physical address. If you supply us with your postal address on-line you may receive periodic mailings from us with information on new products and services or upcoming events. If you do not wish to receive such mailings, please let us know by sending us e-mail at the above e-mail address or writing to us at the above physical address.

Persons who supply us with their telephone numbers on-line will only receive telephone contact from us with information regarding requests they have placed on-line.
We do not partner with or have special relationships with any ad server companies, and we will not display advertisements on this site at any time without notice.

Community Housing Advocacy and Development 531 East Roosevelt Road, Suite 200 Wheaton, IL 60187 (Map + directions) Phone: (630) 456-4452 Fax: (630) 580-9244

Office hours
Monday–Friday, 8:00am–4:30pm

From the community

“I don't have to worry anymore about people fighting and shooting in my neighborhood.”

—Gwendolyn H.


14.2% The amount of households making less than $25,000 increased between 2000 and 2010 CHAD helps families stay together.